2024-2025 Student Leadership
For those students who feel led by God’s Spirit to servant leadership at Wesley, we want to nurture you and help you engage in an avenue of service that unites your gifts/passions with the needs of our ministry. As God desires faithful leadership (Lk 10:27, 1 Cor 12,1 Peter 1:13-16), we call upon our leaders to the following (approximately a 3-4 hour weekly commitment):
- Meet with the campus minister or current student leader(s) to discern leadership opportunities.
- Continue in your discipleship journey at Wesley, which includes attending Wed. Night Worship, regularly reading scripture, regularly praying for our campus ministry, and weekly involvement in one of our small groups or individual mentoring.
- Serve on your discerned ministry team.
- Along with all leaders at Wesley, support and honor our Leadership Covenant.