Understanding The Core Five Teams of App Wesley
Student Leadership (co-presidents)
In the eyes of the university, and to keep recognition with the Club Council, Wesley is required to follow its constitution, and have two student leaders (that the university sees as presidents). Student Leaders are members of the Appalachian Wesley Foundation Board of Directors. One will be the co-board chair alongside, which helps to lead and direct the board meetings.
Basics of a Student Leader:
Hospitality & Meal Team Lead
Hospitality team will oversee all activities related to making people feel welcome and wanted on Monday & Wednesday Nights. This team will oversee all activities related to scheduling, preparing, and possibly cooking the weekly Monday Night Meal.
Small Group Team Lead
Worship is called to usher people into the presence of God during our worship gatherings. This team is responsible for planning worship with the campus minister, overseeing music / worship band, overseeing our tech ministry (sound board, computer, lighting, etc.), and coordinating various avenues of artistic expression in worship - dance, painting, drama, creating videos, etc. This team will also work with other student leaders to design and lead times of worship on trips, retreats, and when invited to lead worship at local churches.
Wednesday Night Tech Team Lead
This team is responsible for planning worship with the campus minister, overseeing our tech ministry (sound board, computer, lighting, etc.), and coordinating various avenues of artistic expression in worship - dance, painting, drama, creating videos, etc. This team will also work with other student leaders to design and lead times of worship on trips, retreats, and when invited to lead worship at local churches.
Not Sure Where You Need to Be?
Help is needed in all areas and the various task-force that will be created throughout the year! See Juston on ways you can help, and share your gifts & ideas.
In the eyes of the university, and to keep recognition with the Club Council, Wesley is required to follow its constitution, and have two student leaders (that the university sees as presidents). Student Leaders are members of the Appalachian Wesley Foundation Board of Directors. One will be the co-board chair alongside, which helps to lead and direct the board meetings.
Basics of a Student Leader:
- Meet with Juston weekly
- Help listen and guide the teams below
- Lead Student Leadership Meetings (which consists of the 4 leaders below)
- Guide the mission and vision of App Wesley
- Help lead prayer, announcements, and other parts of worship
- Attend App State Campus Activities Club Council meetings
- Attend App Wesley Board of Directors meetings
- Listen to the needs of the students, and be a student liaison between the Campus Pastor and Students
Hospitality & Meal Team Lead
Hospitality team will oversee all activities related to making people feel welcome and wanted on Monday & Wednesday Nights. This team will oversee all activities related to scheduling, preparing, and possibly cooking the weekly Monday Night Meal.
- Team Leader & Helpers will:
- Schedule Monday Night Meals
- Prepare and possibly cook some Monday Meals
- Setup Wednesday Night Snacks
- Assign & Get Welcome & Greeters for Monday & Wednesdays (name tags, welcome bags, etc.)
- Setup Tables & Chairs for Monday Meals, and Chairs for Wednesday Worship
- Cleanup & Trash
- Create Task-Force As Needed for Special Events
Small Group Team Lead
- The Small Group Team Lead will NOT be responsible for leading a small group; rather, is responsible for helping find leaders for various groups.
- Team Leader will help create small groups, find leaders, and develop and find any resources need by leaders.
- Helpers Needed:
- Men's Groups
- Women's Groups
- Outside Events / Retreats
- Class Year Groups
- Create Task-Force As Needed for Special Events and Groups.
Worship is called to usher people into the presence of God during our worship gatherings. This team is responsible for planning worship with the campus minister, overseeing music / worship band, overseeing our tech ministry (sound board, computer, lighting, etc.), and coordinating various avenues of artistic expression in worship - dance, painting, drama, creating videos, etc. This team will also work with other student leaders to design and lead times of worship on trips, retreats, and when invited to lead worship at local churches.
- Team Leader will work alongside Juston to prepare worship for each Wednesday night.
- Team Leader will discern, schedule, and rehearse regularly with musicians
- Team Leader will lead helpers in the following areas:
- Technology - worship tools, lighting, sound
- Artistic Elements & Stage Design
- Trip & Retreat Worship Needs
- Upstairs Room & Stage Cleanup
- Qualified Musicians and Singers
Wednesday Night Tech Team Lead
This team is responsible for planning worship with the campus minister, overseeing our tech ministry (sound board, computer, lighting, etc.), and coordinating various avenues of artistic expression in worship - dance, painting, drama, creating videos, etc. This team will also work with other student leaders to design and lead times of worship on trips, retreats, and when invited to lead worship at local churches.
- Team Leader will work alongside Juston to prepare worship for each Wednesday night.
- Team Leader will discern, schedule, and teach tech positions and roles
- Team Leader will lead helpers in the following areas:
- Technology - worship tools, lighting, sound
- Artistic Elements & Stage Design
Not Sure Where You Need to Be?
Help is needed in all areas and the various task-force that will be created throughout the year! See Juston on ways you can help, and share your gifts & ideas.